Welcome to the comic book reviews from 04/16/14! This week we read 22 books! It was overall a pretty good week, with only a few standout titles. If you think we’re missing out on a really good title, please let us know! We’d also love to hear people’s thoughts about our podcast or our reviews, so feel free to contact us via twitter at @comicalpodcast and @comicalpodcast2, or via email at comicalpodcast@gmail.com. Thanks!
Amazing X-Men #6 (4/5)
Writer – Jason Aaron
Artist – Cameron Stewart
This was a fun book that welcomed Nightcrawler back to the X-Family. It was somewhat sentimental, but also full of humor and action. The story focuses on Nightcrawler managing his time between partying with his friends and keeping an eye on Azazel. Things get more complicated when Cyclops and the rest of the Uncanny X-Men show up to the party, but Kurt manages to keep things civil. This was a great representation of who he is, and also a great reminder of what everyone else has been up to in his absence. It’s a good read, but it’s also the last Jason Aaron X-Title so who knows where the series will go from here. I’d highly recommend picking up the TPB of the first 6 issues when it is available.
Bad Ass #4 (3.5/5)
Writer – Herik Hanna
Artist – Bruno Bessadi
This was such a fun and badass series, I hate to see it end. Overall the last issue was pretty good. It gave us the rest of Bad Ass’s backstory, and showed the conclusion of the fight with Black Snake. It also introduced its own Justice-League type team of super-heroes right at the end. I felt like the ending was very abrupt and not particularly well planned considering they had just introduced a ton of new characters. I really hope that there is a second miniseries to continue where this one left off, because it definitely does leave you wanting more. I really enjoyed the series as a whole, but felt like this particular issue fell flat at the end.
Batman Eternal #2 (2/5)
Writer – Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV
Artist – Jason Fabok
I really disliked this book, even more than the first issue. Batman is on the hunt for the person behind the train crash. When he finds out who it is, he is shocked and obviously frightened… which makes no sense, because the villain is one of the lamest in Batman’s world. I don’t want to spoil who it is, but let’s just say it would have been more exciting if Pyg was actually the mastermind. This book suffers from the same odd paneling that the first issue had, and the out of character responses from Batman continued to perplex me. The artwork is the best thing about the series, but it’s not enough to keep me hooked. I honestly don’t understand how so many other reviewers are loving this book, but I guess everything is subjective. I’m not picking up issue #3, and if you trust my opinion on books, you shouldn’t bother with this one either.
Deadpool Vs Carnage #2 (3.5/5)
Writer – Cullen Bunn
Artist – Salva Espin
The zany battle continues in issue 2! Deadpool has to catch up to Carnage and Shriek again, and when he does, they have a pretty epic battle on the freeway, in the middle of traffic! The first issue was slightly funnier, but you know exactly what to expect in this kind of book, and the second issue doesn’t disappoint. Deadpool uses sonics and flames in some interesting and hilarious ways, and Carnage just continues to skewer Deadpool every chance he gets. I’m thoroughly enjoying this series and you should be too!
God is Dead #11 (3.5/5)
Writer – Mike Costa
Artist – German Erramouspe
God is dead continues to escalate with humanity finally getting their hands on a weapon that could turn the tide. More god battles occur, and the manufactured gods contemplate who they are now. It’s a great series, but it’s really easy to lose track of who everyone is. Unless you’ve been reading from the beginning, I’d say wait for the trade paperback next week.
Harley Quinn #5 (4/5)
Writer – Jimmy Palmiotti, Amanda Connor
Artist – Chad Hardin
Harley continues her adventure with Sy Borgman to find out who’s trying to have her killed. The writing and artwork are both excellent, and this issue is packed with humor and violence. Overall, it’s an incredibly fun read, and if you’re a fan of the character, you should be reading it.
Hulk #1 (4/5)
Writer – Mark Waid
Artist – Mark Bagley
This issue definitely leaves you wanting more. We find out about the events of Indestructible Hulk, where Banner was shot in the back of the head, and why. The most interesting thing about all of it is that we’re going to see a completely new Banner/Hulk dynamic, and I can’t even begin to predict what that’s going to be like. Definitely pick up this book.
Mercenary Sea #3 (Justin’s #1 Book, Miguel’s #2 Book) (4.5/5)
Writer – Kel Symons
Artist – Matthew Reynolds
I can’t say enough good things about this series. Kel and Matthew continue to create a fun, innovative, and intricate story. In this issue, Jack and the team are on a mission to rescue a British spy, and are forced to outmaneuver a Japanese warship captained by their old foe Tono. The banter is witty, the characters are likeable and gruff, and the artwork is mesmerizingly beautiful. In a sea full of great Image titles, this one really stands out. Pick it up today!
Ms Marvel #2 (4/5)
Writer – C. Willow Wilson
Artist – Adrian Alphona
In this issue, Kamala continues to struggle with her new powers, her religion, and her parents. She tests out her abilities and learns that she can accomplish some very cool things. For the most part, the book is very lighthearted and fun, although the last panel takes a pretty serious turn that left me craving the next issue. I can’t wait to see what happens next. There’s a lot of subtext to this book, and to the difficulties that the main character is having coming to terms with everything. It’s too much to go into detail about in a review, but all of it is interesting, and I highly recommend picking this book up. It’s one of the best Marvel titles being published right now.
Nova #16 (3.5/5)
Writer – Gerry Duggan
Artist – David Baldeon
In this issue, Sam concludes his team-up with Beta Ray Bill in a rather hilarious fashion. I’m very glad that Gerry Duggan took over this title, because it’s been much more lighthearted and funny since that happened. That said, things do get a little bit darker in the last panel, and it’ll be interesting to see how Sam deals with his personal life now that he’s back on earth. Nova is one of the better Marvel series right now and you should probably be reading it.
Sinestro #1 (4/5)
Writer – Cullen Bunn
Artist – Dave Eaglesham
I got really bored with the Lantern universe about a year ago. Things had become very repetitive and nothing interesting or new was going on. I was excited to see Cullen Bunn had signed on to write Sinestro as I enjoy many of his titles. He didn’t disappoint. If issue two is as good as issue one, I may just have to dive back into the Lanterns. This was a great first issue, with a lot of promise for the future. Give it a try, it may make you want to follow my lead.
Star Mage #1 (Justin and Miguel’s Pick of the Week) (4/5)
Writer – JC De La Torre
Artist – Ray Dillon
Star Mage is a great all-ages comic that tells the story of a young boy who is thrust into a world of space exploration and magic, and he is completely unprepared for it. On earth, he was bullied, and lived a rather lonely and depressing life since his mother passed away at an early age, and his father disappeared on a space mission(his dad was an astronaut). All of that changes abruptly when he discovers he can use Star Magic and is teleported to a starship far away to learn about his heritage and what it means to the alien race that has summoned him. It’s a fantastical story that draws on some traditional origins, but has a completely new feel to it. Part of that new feel should be attributed to Ray Dillon who has a truly unique art style that really shines in a cosmic setting. I’m very excited to read issue 2. Definitely pick this one up.
Superior Spider-Man #31(Miguel’s #1 Book) (4.5/5)
Writer – Dan Slott, Christos Gage
Artist – Giueppe Camuncoli
Dan Slott stuck the landing! Sadly, Superior Spider-Man comes to a close, but it does so in nearly perfect fashion. I truly loved this series. It reinvigorated my love for the character, and now I’m ready to see Peter take on the world again. He’s learned a lot from watching Otto pilot his body, and now he has to set things right with everybody that Otto wronged. I can’t really imagine a better conclusion for the series than this. Get it now!
Thor: God of Thunder #21 (3.5/5)
Writer – Jason Aaron
Artist – Esad Ribic
In this issue, King Thor of the future continues his epic battle for earth with ancient Galactus, and in the present, Thor loses his temper and gives Roxxon all the ammo it needs to overtake Broxton, Oklahoma. Thor continues to be a very good book. It’s a fun read each week, with enough potential to take a top spot at any time. This is a series you should be reading.
Translucid #1 (Justin’s #1 Book) (4.5/5)
Writer – Claudio Sanchez, Chondra Echert
Artist – Daniel Bayliss
Claudio Sanchez is one talented guy. I’ve read all of his comics and enjoyed them, but I feel like this might actually be the best one yet! Translucid examines the idea of the neverending battle between a hero and his main villain, and the strange bond that those characters come to share. It looks at things through the eyes of the villain primarily, but also focuses on the childhood of the hero and the things that shaped him into the person he becomes. This is a rare kind of story, that both newbies and hardcore fans should universally enjoy. I highly recommend picking up this series now!
Uncanny X-Men #20 (3.5/5)
Writer – Brian Michael Bendis
Artist – Chris Bachalo
The team is getting closer to finding out who is behind the sentinels, and it isn’t SHIELD… at least as far as Maria Hill knows. This issue is good, but not great. It continues to advance the storyline, building to what looks to be a huge payoff sometime in the next few issues. Check it out now if you’re already reading X-men, but otherwise wait for the trade paperbacks. The major events are pretty spaced out and it should be a more satisfying read in a TPB.